
7 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy this Halloween

Seven Ways to Be Safe and Healthy This Halloween

Don't let Halloween get you down! These are some ways to keep your health and safety in mind

Get Moving

Between Halloween parties and trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, make time to get active. To feel great, go for a walk or do weight training.

Regular exercise will help you to manage your weight, lower your risk of developing heart disease, some cancers, improve your mental health, and prolong your life expectancy.

Eat Well

Do not spend Halloween eating junk food and sweets. Make healthier choices for yourself and your guests by offering healthy treats and tasty options.

Healthy eating habits include fruits and vegetables. You can also get essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that are vital for your health.

Keep Your Bite Healthy

Keep Halloween candy away. Take care of your teeth with fluoride toothpaste daily.

Tooth decay (cavities), is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in childhood in the United States. Tooth decay that is not treated can lead to pain and infections, which may cause problems eating, speaking, and learning.

Play it Safe

To ensure safety while trick-or-treating on Halloween night, take precautions. Be aware of cars and wear reflective gear. Also, be sure to bring a flashlight.

Visit the Injury Center at CDC for safety tips at home, at work, and on the road.

Get Rid of the Colds and Flu do not let the flu scare you.

Every person 6 months or older should be vaccinated against the flu each year. To protect yourself and your loved one, get vaccinated. Also, learn about healthy habits that can prevent germs.

Don't Be a Zombie

Even on Halloween, sleep is essential! Adults require 7-8 hours of sleep each night. It is essential for your health and the fight against the disease.

Insufficient sleeping can increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Don't Smoke

Smoke-free Halloween celebrations Smoking-free is the best way to go!

Smoking can cause damage to almost every organ in the body and many other diseases. Get help quitting smoking.

Between Halloween parties and trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, make time to get active. To feel great, go for a walk or do weight training.

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