

Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Home Remedies for Hair Loss: Hairs play a significant role in deciding our looks. Today’s generation is suffering from hair loss because excessive use of chemical hair-care products is coming more into existence. People also suffer from hair loss to some deficiency or a kind of illness as a reason. Some people suffer from low density which is sometimes genetic.

Hair loss is turning into a common problem these days, more and more people are suffering from hair loss. General symptoms of hair loss include gradual thinning of the hairs, hair loss in full-body, sudden loosening of hairs or circular or patchy spots in hairs.
There are a million reasons behind a gradual increase in loss in your beautiful hairs, but the most common causes for hair loss include mental stress, Aging, Hormone imbalance, Chemotherapy, Untidy scalp, and medication, excessive smoking, etc.

Hair fall can be cured by many chemical hair products but spending a pocketful of bucks and still dubious about the results and side effects don’t worth it.

At last, all we can do is look for the best and working solution to our problem and on your behalf, I accepted the honour and collected the best home remedies for hair fall. Below given are the clinically and personally tested home remedies for hair fall:

Best Home Remedies to Prevent for Hair Loss:

  1. Coconut milk and oil:
  2. Coconut milk and oil

    Coconut comes with the qualities to nourish the tissues in hairs. If properly used coconut oil and milk, are the best home remedy for hair loss.

    A proper massage with coconut oil in the scalps can enhance the flow of blood in the cells and boost the growth of hairs and nourishes them. If not coconut oil, other oils can be used such as olive, almond, caster, etc.

    How to apply:

    1. Take any of the oils mentioned above in your hands and massage on the scalp.
    2. DO NOT push too hard, massage with light pressure with your fingers.
    3. For visible results, do this once a week.

  3. Aloe Vera:
  4. Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera can be a good option on the list of best home remedies for hair loss. It comes with enzymes that boost hair growth and nourishes the hairs.

    Aloe Vera does this by maintaining the PH level in the hairs, which leads to an increase in hair growth and health.

    Aloe Vera also improves conditions like itching, scalp redness, and inflammation. You can use Aloe Vera gel or juice, whatever is available for better health of hairs.

    How to apply:
    1. Aloe Vera can be consumed directly by preparing its juice.
    2. Should be consumed empty stomach.
    3. If you don’t like the taste (same here), then go for Aloe Vera gel.
    4. Apply the gel to your scalp directly.
    5. Leave it as it is for a few hours and then wash hairs with Luke warm water.
    6. Apply at least four times a week to see visible results.

  5. Chinese hibiscus flower:
  6. Chinese hibiscus flower

    The Chinese hibiscus in your garden is not only a flower. It can cure dandruff, thicken hairs and split ends. This flower is also a beneficial home remedy for hair loss.

    Chinese hibiscus flower can also be consumed orally by simply make a tea of it (not to take sips)and washing your hair with the tea.

    How to apply:
    1. Get a Chinese hibiscus flower and add it to the coconut oil.
    2. Heat the solution
    3. Strain it and collect the solution.
    4. Apply this solution to your scalp before going to bed.
    5. Repeat this a few times a week you will see a positive result in some first time itself.

  7. Beetroot:
  8. Beetroot

    Beetroot is rich in carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins like B and C. All these are the major factors in repairing hair fall and other relevant problems. Beetroot can be included in the diet for easy going.

    RELATED: Surprising Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice Daily

    How to apply:
    1. Get some beetroot leaves and grind them with Henna.
    2. Apply to your scalp with the help of your fingers.
    3. Keep it as it is in your scalps for 15-20 minutes and then wash.
    4. Do this several times a week.

  9. Flax-seeds:
  10. Flax-seeds

    Flax seeds are full of omega 3 fatty acids, they can easily help you in boosting your hair growth but also repairing damaged hairs.

    flax seeds are an effective remedy for hair loss. These seeds can be consumed directly or served as a salad if you are too busy and often forget to remember applying them to your scalp.

    How to apply:
    1. Use flaxseed oil.
    2. Massage the oil in the scalp directly with little pressure with fingers.
    ALSO READ: Flax Seeds Benefits

  11. Indian gooseberry (Amla):
  12. reduce acidity problem naturally at home by Amla

    Amla or Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin c, and that is the main reason that Amla is the very first name when it is about home remedies for hair loss.
    Amla is also an anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial, which helps in fighting dandruff and preventing fungal infections.
    How to apply:
    1. Mix one tablespoon of Amla(Indian gooseberry) juice and lemon juice.
    2. Apply it to your scalp before going to the bed and leave it as it is for a night.
    3. Wash hairs with warm water in the morning.

  13. Onion Juice:
  14. Onion Juice

    Onion juice is a supplier of sulfur and it helps many hair related problems. Massaging with onion oil will improve the blood circulation in the tissues, and will reduce inflammation.

    Its anti-bacterial properties kill germs and parasites and help in treating scalp infections.

    Many studies have shown that 70-75% of people, who used onion juice as a remedy for hair loss, found it curing hair fall to a big extent.

    A) How to apply:
    1. Take an onion and extract its juices and collect it.
    2. Apply the extracted juice directly to the scalp with fingers.
    3. Leave it for 30 minutes to take effect.
    4. Wash the hairs with warm water then shampoo the hairs.
    B) how to apply:
    1. Another way by which it can be done is to take three tablespoons of onion juice and two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel. You can also add one tablespoon of olive oil for better results.
    2. Apply this mixture to the scalp directly.
    3. Leave it for 20 minutes.
    4. Wash the hairs with warm water then shampoo the hairs.

    RELATED: How to Use Onion and Potato to Grow Long Thicken Hair faster

  15. Liquorice roots:
  16. Licorice roots

    Liquorice root is also one of the remedies for hair loss. Liquorice roots Soothe the scalp and help get rid of dry flakes by opening the pores.
    These Licorice roots have the ability to prevent and heal, dandruff, hair loss, and baldness.

    How to apply:
    1. Add one tablespoon of liquorice root to one cup of milk and also a quarter tablespoon of saffron.
    2. Apply this mixture directly to the scalp with the finger and little pressure before going to the bed.
    3. Wash your hair in the morning with warm water.
    4. Do this twice a week.
    So, These are the best home remedies for hair fall. You don’t need to spend money on costly shampoos. just go to your kitchen and find out which is your need.

    Mother Nature has given us everything for free here, we just need to look around and know what can be the perfect solution for our issues. I’ll keep posting to keep you updated about the best home remedies, till then, stay happy&Stay healthy.

Hair fall can be cured by many chemical hair products but spending a pocketful of bucks and still dubious about the results and no side effects...

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